* @file MFKDF HMAC-SHA1 Factor Setup
* @copyright Multifactor 2022 All Rights Reserved
* @description
* Setup an HMAC-SHA1 challenge-response factor for multi-factor key derivation
* @author Vivek Nair (https://nair.me) <[email protected]>
const defaults = require('../../defaults')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const xor = require('buffer-xor')
* Setup a YubiKey-compatible MFKDF HMAC-SHA1 challenge-response factor
* @example
* // setup key with hmacsha1 factor
* const setup = await mfkdf.setup.key([
* await mfkdf.setup.factors.hmacsha1()
* ], {size: 8})
* // calculate response; could be done using hardware device
* const secret = setup.outputs.hmacsha1.secret
* const challenge = Buffer.from(setup.policy.factors[0].params.challenge, 'hex')
* const response = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret).update(challenge).digest()
* // derive key with hmacsha1 factor
* const derive = await mfkdf.derive.key(setup.policy, {
* hmacsha1: mfkdf.derive.factors.hmacsha1(response)
* })
* setup.key.toString('hex') // -> 01d0c7236adf2516
* derive.key.toString('hex') // -> 01d0c7236adf2516
* @param {Object} [options] - Configuration options
* @param {string} [options.id='hmacsha1'] - Unique identifier for this factor
* @param {Buffer} [options.secret] - HMAC secret to use; randomly generated by default
* @returns {MFKDFFactor} MFKDF factor information
* @author Vivek Nair (https://nair.me) <[email protected]>
* @since 0.21.0
* @async
* @memberof setup.factors
async function hmacsha1 (options) {
options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaults.hmacsha1), options)
if (typeof options.id !== 'string') throw new TypeError('id must be a string')
if (options.id.length === 0) throw new RangeError('id cannot be empty')
if (typeof options.secret === 'undefined') options.secret = crypto.randomBytes(20)
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(options.secret)) throw new TypeError('secret must be a buffer')
if (Buffer.byteLength(options.secret) !== 20) throw new RangeError('secret must be 20 bytes')
return {
type: 'hmacsha1',
id: options.id,
data: options.secret,
entropy: 160,
params: async ({ key }) => {
const challenge = crypto.randomBytes(64)
const response = crypto.createHmac('sha1', options.secret).update(challenge).digest()
const pad = xor(response.subarray(0, 20), options.secret)
return {
challenge: challenge.toString('hex'),
pad: pad.toString('hex')
output: async () => {
return { secret: options.secret }
module.exports.hmacsha1 = hmacsha1